These people have supported and helped the LLAMA System develop. Thank you to all the people listed here!
Research, Development, and Feedback
- Naomi Hoffman
- Frequent quote from Mrs. Hoffman: "Oh my goodness." We like to surprise her. Mrs. Hoffman is our coach and has helped us through the entirety of our journey in developing our website and more. She has graciously agreed to order the first patches for the LLAMA Challenge and is running our website domain. She has been very enthusiastic about our project and gives us feedback and updates constantly. Thank you Mrs. Hoffman! :)
- Bill and Jonathan Waters
- Bill Waters set up our original site through Amazon and maintained it until we switched to Dreamhost. Jonathan helped by creating a way (using json) so that all team members could populate our database and transfer files.
- Jennifer Vigianni
- Jennifer Vigianni has provided us with maps and resources for our recs information. She has also given us suggestions to add to our website and gave us permission to put up flyers in Clifton Park for the LLAMA Challenge.
- John Scavo
- Mr. Scavo has also provided us with maps and shared information about recs and trails which was useful in making our database more accurate and useful to users. Additionally, he has given us feedback to improve our site.
- Bill Hoffman
- Mr. Hoffman, co-owner of Mountain Dog Running LLC, provided technical assistance and recommendations for how his company might use the LLAMA System.
LLAMA Challenge - Competititors
JL and VFL challenge finishers
Quote from JL and VFL "We've hiked just about everything in the Adirondacks, including multiple rounds of the 46 high peaks. We're having a lot of fun with this one, especially since it's so close to home. Great job with the challenge!" This couple has been very enthusiastic about our LLAMA Challenge and have completed it. They have given us great feedback and told us about matters concerning our flyers at parks. Check out our leaderboard to track the progress of all our participants!